Flower Essence |
Negative Condition |
Positive Outcome |
Billy Goat Plum |
- shame
- inability to accept the physical self
- physical loathing
- sexual pleasure and enjoyment
- acceptance of self and one's physical body
- openmindedness
Black-Eyed Susan |
- impatience
- on the go
- over committed
- constant striving
- ability to turn inward and be still
- slowing down
- inner peace
Bluebell |
- closed
- fear of lack
- greed
- rigidity
- opens the heart
- belief in abundance
- universal trust
- joyful sharing
- unconditional love
Bush Fuchsia |
- switched off
- nervousness about public speaking
- ignoring 'gut' feelings
- clumsy
- courage to speak out
- clarity
- in touch with intuition
- integration of information
- integration of male and female aspects
Bush Gardenia |
- stale relationships
- self interest
- unaware
- passion
- renews interest in partner
- improves communication
Bush Iris |
- fear of death
- materialism
- atheism
- physical excess
- avarice
- awakening of spirituality
- acceptance of death as a transition state
- clearing blocks in the base chakra and trust centre
Crowea |
- continual worrying
- a sense of being "not quite right"
- peace and calm
- balances and centres the individual
- clarity of one's feelings
Dagger Hakea |
- resentment
- bitterness towards close family, friends, lovers
- forgiveness
- open expression of feelings
Fringed Violet |
- damage to aura
- distress
- lack of psychic protection
- removal of effects of recent or old distressing events
- heals damage to aura
- psychic protection
Grey Spider Flower |
- terror
- fear of supernatural and psychic attack
Little Flannel Flower |
- denial of inner child
- seriousness in children
- grimness in adults
- care free
- playfulness
- joyful
Mountain Devil |
- hatred
- anger
- holding of grudges
- suspiciousness
- unconditional love
- happiness
- healthy boundaries
- forgiveness
Red Helmet Orchid |
- rebelliousness
- hot-headed
- unresolved father issues
- selfishness
- male bonding
- respect
- consideration
- sensitivity
Tall Yellow Top |
- alienation
- loneliness
- isolation
- sense of belonging
- acceptance of self and others
- knowing that you are 'home'
- ability to reach out
Wedding Bush |
- difficulty with commitment
- commitment to relationships
- commitment to goals
- dedication to life purpose