by tiva | Jan 21, 2019 | Uncategorised
Can be converted from the amino acid tryptophan. Involved in energy production, fat, cholesterol and carbohydrate metabolism and the manufacture of compounds such as sex and adrenal hormones.
Deficiency Signs and Symptoms
Pellagra – dermatitis, dementia, diarrhoea, death
Naturopathic Dose
Maintenance 100 mg taken with meals.
Main Uses
Energy production, regulates blood sugar, antioxidant, liver detox, reduces cholesterol.
Lowers blood lipids – niacin works better, in some instances, than cholesterol lowering pharmaceuticals.
Diabetes – used under supervision instead of autoimmune drugs (prednisone), safer and effectivAe.
Arthritis – rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, high dose have been proven useful.
Skin flushing 20 – 30 min after, irritating factor not dangerous.
Gastric irritation, nausea, liver damage – avoid time release tablets.
Caution in liver damage, or elevated liver enzymes, gout or peptic ulcer.
In diabetes use under supervision of a practitioner because of impaired glucose tolerance.
Liver function tests and cholesterol tests advised during high doses.
by tiva | Jan 21, 2019 | Uncategorised
In Greek 'pantos' means 'everywhere'. Utilised in the manufacture of coenzyme A (CoA) and acyl carrier protein (ACP), conversion of fats and CHO for energy production and the manufacture of adrenal hormones and red blood cells. (Murray 2001)
Deficiency Signs and Symptoms
Fatigue, burning foot syndrome, numbness or shooting pain.
Naturopathic Dosage Range
Will vary depending on what is being treated, adaquate maintenance dose is 100 mg per dose
Main Uses
Adrenal support – known as the anti stress vitamin.
Rheumatoid arthritis – often there are lower levels the worse the symptoms are, helps to alleviation of pain.
High cholesterol and triglycerides – reduces levels, and lipid lowering effect in diabetics.
No side effects reported
by tiva | Jan 21, 2019 | Uncategorised
Necessary for more than 60 enzymes in the body. Multiplication of cells, so important during pregnancy, and for immune system, mucous membranes, skin, and red blood cells. Manufacture of amino acid neurotransmitters (serotonin, dopamine, melatonin).
Deficiency Signs and Symptoms
Depression, convulsions (especially in children), anaemia, impaired nerve function, cracking of the lips and tongue, seborrhoea or eczema.
Antagonists: hydrazine dyes (FD&C yellow), oral contraceptives, alcohol, excessive protein intake.
Naturopathic Dosage Range
50 – 100 mg
Main Uses
PMS – reduces symptoms of breast tenderness, depression, bloating and irritability.
Carpal tunnel syndrome – commonly a deficiency.
Depression – shown to be low in depressed states, essential for neurotransmitter manufacture.
Morning sickness – reduces nausea and vomiting.
Autism – as supplement, not cure, helps brain chemistry, better if used with magnesium.
Atherosclerosis – deficiency shows increased homocysteine levels, inhibits platelet aggrigation.
Diabetes – to prevent complications.
Immune enhancement – low in AIDS even though consuming enough in diet, correlated to decreased immune function.
Some toxicity in large doses for long periods. More than 2000 mg can result in nerve toxicity.
Safest at 50 mg per day.
by tiva | Jan 21, 2019 | Uncategorised
Works closely with folic acid in the body for many processes including synthesis of DNA, red blood cells and the myelin sheath. The stomach secretes intrinsic factor (IF) to absorb the small amounts of B12 found in food.
Stored (even though water soluble), in liver kidney and body tissues. May take 5 – 6 years before deficiency signs show due to low diet intake, or lack of IF. Pernicious anaemia, impaired nerve function causing numbness, pins and needles or burning, depression in the elderly. Smooth, red tongue and diarrhoea. Common in vegans. (Murray 2001)
Vegetarians 100 mcg daily
Main Uses
AIDS – deficiency often present, in vitro B12 reduces HIV replication.
Impaired mental function – senility, Alzheimer’s, where there is deficiency.
Asthma – improvement in symptoms where related to sulphite sensitivity.
Depression – increase in deficiency especially in elderly. (Braun and Cohen 2005)
Low sperm count – because reduced cellular replication, also improves sperm motility.
Multiple sclerosis – usually low, demylination of nerve fibres.
Tinnitis – stabilises neural activity.
No side effects reported.
by tiva | Jan 21, 2019 | Uncategorised
Also a B vitamin, part of the folic acid molecule. Readily available in food and made by bacteria in intestines. Aids in metabolism/utilisation of amino acids. Nourishes hair. (Haas 1999)
Food Sources
Liver, brewers yeast, wheat germ, whole grains, eggs, molasses.
Uncommon, possible with antibiotic use or drugs that alter function of intestinal bacteria. Fatigue, irritability, depression, nervousness, headache, constipation, digestive system problems.
Dosage Range
50 – 100 mg
Main Uses
Used with biotin, pantothenic acid and folic acid for hair. Used in sunscreen, to prevent and treat sunburn. Combined with vitamin E to burns. Vitiligo orally or topically.
High doses irritating to liver – nausea, vomiting, anorexia, fever, skin rash, vitiligo.
by tiva | Jan 21, 2019 | Uncategorised
Essential role in human nutrition, controversy as to how much we need, but definitely needed, works as an antioxidant. Manufactures collagen, improves immune function, absorption and utilisation of other nutrients. Better absorbed if take with bioflavonoids. (Murray 2001)
Deficiency Signs and Symptoms
Scurvy – bleeding gums, poor wound healing, bruising, increased susceptibility to infection, hysteria and depression.
Naturopathic Dosage Range
500 mg maintenance.
1000 mg every three or four hours up to ‘bowel tolerance’ (usually about 5000mg) during infection or disease.
Main Uses
Asthma and allergies – generally low in asthma and allergy, improvement in symptoms, protective against oxidative damage, lowers histamine levels.
Cardiovascular disease – reduces risk of death from heart attack and stroke, strengthens arteries, raises HDL, inhibits platelet aggregation, prevents LDL from being oxidised (especially in smokers).
Immune system – infection rapidly depletes the normal high levels of vitamin C in white blood cells (especially lymphocytes). Enhances white blood cell function and activity, antibody responses and levels, secretion of thymic hormones. (Braun and Cohen 2005)
During stress vitamin C is excreted at an increased rate.
Cancer prevention and treatment – against most forms including lung, colon, breast, cervix, oesophagus, oral cavity and pancreas. Antioxidant, protects DNA from damage, enhanced immune function, able to deal with environmental pollution better.
Common cold – reduced severity of symptoms and duration.
Diabetes – insulin facilitates transport of vitamin C into cells so many diabetics have low level.
Fertility – increased sperm count.
Skin ulcers and wound healing – reduced incidence and increased healing time.
Pregnancy related conditions – reduced pre-eclampsia and premature rupture of membranes, capillary fragility.
Very safe in most people. If taking high dose then reduce gradually.